Mac OS X
- Homebrew - The missing package manager for OS X
- MacPorts - An open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system.
- pyenv - Simple Python version management
- rvm - Ruby 多版本管理器
- rbenv - 与 rvm 类似的 Ruby 多版本管理器
- 图片
- 音乐
- MusicSeekerX - 好用的音乐下载软件
- Vox - 简洁小巧的音乐播放器
- DynamicLyrics - iTunes 歌词显示插件
- 视频
- 下载
- fakeThunder - 第三方迅雷离线下载软件
- Thunder - 迅雷官方版
- 代理
- GoAgentX - GoAgent 的 GUI 版
- iSSH - 将 SSH 转换为 SOCKS 代理使用
- iSSH-imporved - iSSH 的第三方发进版本
- Proxychains Formula - 可以使终端命令用上代理,可用 Homebrew 安装
- 编辑器
- 集成开发环境(IDE)
- 语言环境
- 数据库
- MySQL - The world's most popular open source database
- brew install mysql
- MongoDB
- brew install mongodb
- Redis - Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value cache and store.
- brew install redis
- Memcached - A distributed memory object caching system
- brew install memcached
- brew install libmemcached
- MySQL - The world's most popular open source database
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